Yenting in Malta 01
The Quarantine hotel
In this Covid pandemic time, the Malta Government does not recognize the vaccination in Taiwan even though we got Moderna, EU certified vaccine; therefore, we still need to quarantine for 14 days.
There is only one quarantine hotel in Malta, the Marina Hotel, the local five-star hotel. I have to say that the policy of using this resort hotel as a quarantined hotel makes me impressed. People who need to quarantine will be in a good mood by appreciating the gorgeous sea view instead of feeling like in a jail.
Isolation for a day requires 100 Euros, but the counter will charge you another 5 Euro Eco Tax, so the total amount is 1,405 Euros. This price includes breakfast, and the breakfast is rich, including lettuce, ham, cheese, and a juice bottle. If you don’t eat enough, you can ask them for milk and cereals, and those are no extra charge.
At the same price, the hotel’s service quality, efficiency, and cleanliness are not comparable to Taiwan’s. Still, at least my requirement to the counter about towels and tissues are delivered. Just shift your mindset and follow the European flow if you can go here. In terms of scenery and room size, the room is good value for money.
在這個 Covid 疫情時期,Malta 政府不承認台灣打得疫苗,即使我們施打的是歐盟認證的疫苗,莫德納,因此我們仍然需要需要隔離 14 天。
Malta 的隔離酒店只有一間,就是 Marina Hotel,是當地的五星旅館。不得不說我覺得 Malta 政府做得這個政策滿好的,把渡假酒店成為防疫旅館,因此在隔離的時候我們的感覺不會像是在監獄裡,是能有美麗的心情欣賞美麗的海景。
隔離一天需要 100 歐,但是在收費的時候會櫃檯會再跟您收取 5 歐的 Eco Tax,所以總金額為 1405 歐。這個價錢是包含早餐,早餐滿豐富的,內容有生菜、火腿、起司、果汁,如果吃不夠的話,可以再跟他們要牛奶和麥片,是不用額外收取費用的。
以同樣價格飯店,服務品質、效率和整潔度跟台灣不能比的,不過至少目前我向櫃檯索取的毛巾和衛生紙都是有送達的,來到這自己的心態要調整到歐洲效率;若是以窗外風景和房間大小來說的話,住房的 CP 值滿高的。